Datsubou (脱帽 - Taking One's Hat Off)

Feb 28, 2018 15:45
There is a Japanese term: 脱帽 (datsubou).

脱 (datsu) means "to take off" and 帽 (bou) means "hat," so the literal meaning of the combination is "to take one's hat off."

Interestingly, the Japanese term "datsubou" and its literal English translation "to take one's hat off" have almost the same meaning.

That is to say, "datsubou" means to be impressive by someone or admire someone for an achievement.

Also, "datsubou" can mean a feeling of giving up in addition to the above meanings.

Normally, this term is used like 脱帽する (datsubou suru) by adding する (suru), which can convert a noun into a verb.


「脱」は "to take off," 「帽」は "hat" を意味するので、「脱帽」の文字通りの意味は "to take one's hat" となります。

面白いことに、日本語の「脱帽」と、その直訳である英語の "to take one's hat" は、ほとんど同じ意味を持ちます。



No. 1 Shurup's correction
  • That is to say, "datsubou" means to be impressive by someone or admire someone for an achievement.
  • That is to say, "datsubou" means to be impressed by someone or admire someone for an achievement.
Cool! It's pretty interesting how two completely different languages can have this weird phrase in common!
Thank you so much for the correction!
Yes, it's weird but very interesting. :)